Leiden Professorenwijk
Leiden Professorenwijk

What can you expect from pediatric physiotherapy

When do you consult with the pediatric physiotherapist?
If you have the impression that your child is developing in a different way from other children that you know. Your child cannot keep up with his peers. It may as well be that you are referred to us by your family doctor, child health care specialist or another medical specialist if a disorder has been diagnosed.
Sometimes a school teacher recommends you to get in touch with us if your child’s motoric development asks for more attention and support.

If any of the above applies you can contact us in which case it is not necessary to have a referral.

Assessment by the pediatric physiotherapist.
A pediatric physiotherapist wants to get a complete picture of your child’s motoric level and disorder. The assessment includes information gathering from the child, his/her parents and others involved in the child's life.
We discuss our findings with you and draw up a plan for treatment.

Kinderfysiotherapie Leiden Professorenwijk aims to improve your child’s performance in his/her everyday world.
Our training materials are specially designed for children and intend to increase the joy in exercises and to address specific motor functions.


With babies an important part of the treatment is to advise the parents with regard to handling and playing, so the parents can practice at home with the baby.

With toddlers and infants the treatment aims to optimize the pattern of movement by means of play and specific training.

Children from the age of six are more and more able to carry out specific exercises. It is important that they enjoy these exercises to maximize the result.


Cooperation with other disciplines
The pediatric physiotherapist cooperates with a range of specialists including: family doctors, child health specialists at the  Child Development Service (Centrum voor Jeugd en Gezin), school teachers, occupational therapists, speech and language therapists, pediatricians and orthopedists.
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