Leiden Professorenwijk
Leiden Professorenwijk

Pedriatic physiotherapy Leiden Professorenwijk

General information
Pedriatic physiotherapy Leiden Professorenwijk opened the 10th of April 2014. It is run by Astrid Beijer who has eighteen years experience in first line pedriatic physiotherapy treatment. She has a Master in childrens physiotherapy (MSc). She is a member of KNGF (Royal Dutch Association for Physiotherapy) and NVKF
(Dutch Society for Pedriatic Physiotherapy). She is registered in the CKR (Central Quality Register) and in the BIG Quality Register (BIG no. 39057820004)

Our expertise is in working with babies, toddlers, children and youth with motoric problems and disorders. Together with your child and you we draw up an inventory of the childs’ difficulties.
The treatment is in a playful way with a variety of tools and aids for all ages.
Quite often motoric problems go hand in hand with learning problems, therefore we don't just look at the one problem but at the complete spectrum.

Therapy room

Our therapy room is spacious, colorful and bright. It is fully equipped to stimulate the child’s motor development and to train skills by children's games and playthings for every age.
The room fully complies with the rules of the Dutch Pediatric Physical Therapy Association.


You do not need a referral by your family doctor or medical specialist. After the assessment we will always draw up a report for your family doctor.


Insurance coverage

Pediatric physiotherapy is covered in the so called mandatory ‘basisverzekering’ ( basic health care plan) in the Netherlands. If you have a Dutch health insurance a total of 18 treatments is covered.
When after 18 medically treatments more treatment is necessary, coverage may be given by a supplementary health insurance policy.
In case of a chronic condition pediatric physiotherapy is fully covered. The so called "own-risk" contribution does not apply for pediatric physiotherapy.

Claiming health care expenses
We have a contract with all Dutch insurance companies. The invoice will be sent directly tot them.

If you have a restitution insurance plan or no Dutch insurance the price list below applies.

Treatment at home
If necessary we can give the treatment at home.
Of course, the number of sessions depends on the kind and intensity of the disorder or on  your specific question.

Price list 2020


 Session pediatric physiotherapie


 Single assesment


 Single report


 Surcharge for treatment at home 


 Instruction to/ consult with parents


 Not turned up for appointment (no-show)


Cancellation can be done till 24 hours before the appoinment and can be done either by phone or digitally.

Privacy Policy
For more information on our privacy policy, see here.
Our company is AVG proof.