Leiden Professorenwijk
Leiden Professorenwijk

Pediatric physiotherapie for toddlers

Toddlers ( 2-4 years)
Children who walk about freely are called ‘peuters’ in Dutch (toddlers). Before entering kindergarten a child must have developed a number of motor skills (see below).
Sometimes there is a delay due to one or more disorders, such as orthopedic or muscle problems.

Delay or disturbance in the motoric development
Every child develops in its own, unique way. It is important that the toddler can keep up with his peers. Sometimes acquaintances may find your child a bit clumsy or "stiffly" or has the tendency to stumble and fall.
When in doubt, you are welcome to contact our practice for advice or you can consult your family doctor or a child health specialist.

Motor skills:

24 months : kicking a ball.
30 months : jumping.
30 months : alternate use of legs during on the stairs.
30 months : running.
36 months : standing on one leg during 2 seconds.
40 months : jumping 2 inches from the floor.
48 months : ready for school: dressing and undressing; use of a zipper and buttons without help.


Anomalous walking pattern
At Kinderfysiotherapie Leiden Professorenwijk we look for possible underlying problems. Children quickly automatise their walking pattern. In case of an anomalous walking pattern the rule applies: the sooner the therapy starts, the better the result.

Walking about freely
In case the child is unable to walk about freely at 18 months, pediatric physiotherapy is urgently recommended.

Some children are so loose-limbed that they are unable to control the muscles around their ankles. This causes a delay in learning to walk freely. Sometimes their walking patterns can be visibly different.

Walking on tiptoe

Some children walk (almost) always on tiptoe.
It is important to find out why.

Walking with pain
Children who are walking with pain tend to limit their walking time. Because of the pain, in time, they will develop
anomalous walking pattern.
It is important to determine the source of the pain.